1BR 2BA, Luxury Apartment, Yana21, Tulum
YANAis a Vedic Sanskrit word, meaning "pleasant, delightful, charming, beautiful".
means "pleasant, delightful, charming, beautiful".
It is one of the great
Hindu epic of 24,000 verses in seven volumes, and tells the
volumes, and it tells the story of Rama, the ideal
wise, just and good man, who embarks on a journey to save his wife
on a journey to save his wife Sita.
RAMAYANA The number 21 in numerology is associated with success, progress, balance, new beginnings.
success, progress, balance, new beginnings,
independence, mission and soul purpose.
Social Pool
Lounge Area
24/7 Security
Yoga Lounge
Cardio Room
Raised Garden
Zen Garden
Grill Area