Large 4 bed property on a 54perch land. 4 bed, 3 en-suite,1 separate shower/toilet/wash basin, 2 kitchen (1 up 1 down), 2 dining rooms (1up & 1 down), 2 living rooms (1up & 1down), 2 utility rooms (1up & 1 down), 1 study ( rear upper balcony), 2 seperate toilets( 1 upper rear balcony & one by lower prep room), 1 lower food prep room, 1 loft room, garage, water tank for well or mainline water, garden toilet(ready to fit European toilet & sink), large brick built cabin with electricity in garden.large carport for up to 3 vehicles to park under. Large well with enclosure & shower facilities.The property has a separate stairway for upper floor accessible from outside allowing two separate living accommodation. The property has the following plants in garden Mango tree’s,coconuts trees,guava tree,drumstick tree, pomegranate tree,cinnamon tree’s & jasmine,shoe flower,oleander flower trees. The property will be available from February/March 2026,with sale price negotiable.