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House for sale in Smederevo (Kolarski put)


€ 90,000


House for sale in Smederevo (Kolarski put)

A family house for sale in Vojvodjanska vroj 5 on Kolarski put. 3 km from the highway, 7 km from Smederevo.
The house is 195 square meters, habitable, 10 ares of land with fruit and a fenced yard. The entrance is of a closed type under a terrace of 7.70x2.75 square meters and an auxiliary building under another terrace of 3.80x101.90 square meters.
There are two rooms on the ground floor: 5.85x3.85 square meters and another 3.85x3.25 square meters. Storage room: 1.60x0.97 square meters, hallway and bathroom 2.70x1.75 square meters.
The first floor also has two rooms, one of 5.85x3.85 square meters, and the other of 3.85x3.25 square meters, toilet, corridor, stairs to the attic.
It has city water, electricity, well, telephone, septic tank and heating with solid fuel.
The owner is 1/1
The price of the house is 90,000 euros.
For serious buyers, a deal is possible.
For other information, you can call the phone number: +381649952528


Property ID: 57260

Floor area:
195 m²
Size of land:
1000 m²




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