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Sale of power project


€ 10,000,000


Sale of power project

Sale of power project
(1) Project Capacity - 50 MW
(2) Provisional consent to release the land for solar power project
(3) Name of the land - Mayurapura
(4) Province of the land Southern Province
(5) District of the land - Hambanthota
(6) Extent - 85 ha
(7) Boundaries - Government Land

This refers to the request made by you on 15/03/22 requesting a block
of land of Mahawali Authority of SRI LANKA to construct a solar
power plant

This letter is issued only for the documentation process and developer
has no right to demand any legal right for the said land., This land
shell be utilized only for solar power
generation., Land will be released to the project only when the
developer is selected the
CEB and after signing the Letter of intent (LOI) with the Mahawei
Authority of SRI LANKA

The Developer shall pay 6% of the totally revenue to Mahaweli
Authority of SRI LANKA received from Ceylon Electricity Board of
financial mechanism agreed upon both parties.


Property ID: 45894


Sri Lanka


12-rotunda garden-colombo- 3-Sri Lanka

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